The CAUDIT (Council of Australasian University Directors of Information Technology) awards celebrate and promote outstanding achievements and innovations of staff working in IT at CAUDIT member organisations who positively transform the experience of students, academic, and professional staff across the sector.

Tim Hume (Chief Information and Digital Officer), accepting the award from CAUDIT on behalf of Shamim Joarder.

Congratulations to the iLearn Insights team and its creator Shamim Joarder (Senior Learning Analytics Advisor, pictured right), who was chosen as the winner of the 2022 CAUDIT award for Innovation in Teaching and Learning for the iLearn Insights program – an innovative tool for monitoring and addressing both high-achieving students, and those whose level of activity may put them at risk of failure.
Meeting the below criteria, Shamim at the iLearn Insights teams’ project exemplified the awards’ purpose of “celebrating digital innovations which have had a transformative effect on teaching and learning activities in the higher education sector”.
- Supporting each other in leading the application of digital capabilities to transform education and research.
- Demonstrated positive impact and doing it ‘together’ / across boundaries within the organisation.
- Stakeholder Engagement: What changes have there been in attitudes, behaviour or values of the participants? Have any other overall relevant benefits been achieved?
- Demonstrated value to the institution and its stakeholders: Institutional context/support; Return on Investment (either measured or expected); demonstrated alignment with institution’s goals.
- Demonstrating innovation: Describe how new ground was forged – innovation; new technology; new approaches; how risk was managed.
- Sustainability & scalability: In what ways has the activity in question shown itself to be conscious of its own long-term costs and contributions as part of a commitment to sustainable practice?
- Has it become a model for other activity?
Congratulations to Shamim and the iLearn Insights team on their success!
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